
FIDO2 NFC card

eSecuFIDO-FDC82 is a hardware authenticator complying with FIDO2 standard and FIDO U2F standard, which is self-developed by Excelsecu. It is designed by using Java card platform and supporting multiple preloaded applet as FIDO2,FIDO U2F, OTP , OpenPGP, PIV (optional)  to meet different demand for Enterpise or personal security.The card is a best practice for of two-factor authentication, because something you have (a smart card) with something you know (the smart card PIN or device PIN) are easy to be implemented for secure authentication.

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Product Features

Providing Java Platform for users to develop various applets

Compliant with Global Platform Specification Version 2.2.1

Compliant with Java Card Specification Version 3.0.4

Standard Smart Card with dual-interface(ISO7816 and NFC)

Supported Functions by preloaded applets: FIDO2(FIDO 2.1 standard), FIDO U2F, OpenPGP,TOTP,HOTP, PIV(optional)

Support passwordless authentication, two-factor authentication

The chipset is Common Criteria EAL6+ Certified

Support Microsoft Azure Active Directory passwordless login

Support both mobile and desktop environments(desktop need a smart card reader)

Product Specs
Widely used in various authentication security fields


Card Size

ISO 7810*


32 bit

Chip certification


Smart Card OS



Java Card™ 3.0.4


Global Platform 2.2.1

Java applet installation

by user


Smart Card Protocol

ISO 7816 T=0/

ISO 14443 Type A T=CL


[MessageDigest] MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512

[Symmetric]   AES (128bits, 256bits), DES (64, 128, 192bits)

[Asymmetric]  RSA (1024bits, 2048bits), ECC(256, 384bits)  

Default Application

FIDO2(FIDO 2.1 standard), FIDO U2F, OpenPGP,TOTP,HOTP,PIV(Optional, 

PIV Compatible with NIST SP 800-73-4)

√  available      *  optional      —  not available

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